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Prolapsed Bladder Treatment in Houston, TX

Every person’s bladder is supposed to remain in proper position as it is supported by muscles of the pelvic floor. Instances in which the bladder bulges out of place are known as bladder prolapse. This is often the result of weakened or damaged tissues within the individual’s pelvic floor.

Ori Hampel, MD specializes in treatment for bladder prolapse in Houston, Ori Hampel and our skilled team are committed to providing effective and personalized solutions for individuals dealing with bladder prolapse. Understanding the significance of pelvic floor health, we aim to address the root causes and offer comprehensive treatments to restore comfort and functionality. Schedule an appointment at one of our urology clinics.

Common Bladder Prolapse Symptoms

Bladder prolapse is most often seen in female patients, and can often be attributed to extensive pressure put on the pelvic floor muscles during childbirth. When this occurs, the bladder can begin to protrude through the vagina and lead to a variety of symptoms, such as:

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Sensation of an unempty bladder even immediately after urination
  • Visible tissue protruding from the vaginal opening
  • Pain throughout the pelvic region
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Noticeable pressure within the vaginal area

It is also possible for patients with bladder prolapse to remain asymptomatic, meaning that they experience no abnormal symptoms at all. In many cases, bladder prolapse can be diagnosed during a routine physical examination.

Those who do experience symptoms of bladder prolapse should contact Ori Hampel, MD right away to schedule a consultation with one of our specialists. Once the source of the patient’s discomfort has been accurately identified, Ori Hampel, MD will be able to follow up with their recommendations for treatment.

Additional Tests of the Pelvic Floor

Every patient is different, and some may not be as easy to diagnose as others. For these situations, other diagnostic imaging scans or tests can be ordered by Ori Hampel, MD to further investigate the individual’s bladder function, including:

  • Urodynamic testing
  • Cystoscopy
  • Ultrasound
  • X-ray
  • MRI

These examinations are often quite helpful in determining the grade of a patient’s bladder prolapse. The more advanced the grade of a person’s condition, the more comprehensive their treatment will likely be. The range of these grades exist on a scale of 1 to 4, and include:

  • Grade 1: Mild prolapse of the bladder where the organ begins dropping slightly into the vagina.
  • Grade 2: Moderate prolapse wherein the bladder has reached the opening of the vagina.
  • Grade 3: Severe prolapse that is characterized by the bladder now protruding outside of the body.
  • Grade 4: Complete prolapse can occur if the bladder hangs fully out of the vagina.

Typical Treatments for Bladder Prolapse

Patients diagnosed with a mild case of bladder prolapse will not often require medical treatment for their condition. Simply avoiding added pressure or strain on the pelvic floor muscles in addition to utilizing strengthening exercises for this region of the body can often lead to significant improvement in symptoms.

Individuals that have sustained more comprehensive damage to their pelvic floor may be recommended for further treatment, such as estrogen replacement therapy and/or pessary implementation.

Estrogen Replacement Therapy

Introducing higher doses of estrogen (the primary female sex hormone) to the body can help the muscles of the pelvic floor tighten much more quickly. This can be especially beneficial for women who have recently experienced a drop in these hormone levels, such as those transitioning through menopause.


A pessary is a specially designed device used to manually hold the bladder in place. This device may be inserted, removed, and regularly cleaned by the patient or their physician.

Surgery for Bladder Prolapse

If prior treatments remain unsuccessful, or if the patient is suffering from severe bladder prolapse, surgery may be needed to repair the tissues of the pelvic floor. While this particular option is associated with more risks than non-invasive alternatives, it can provide permanent relief from bladder prolapse and its many uncomfortable symptoms.

Schedule An Appointment

To explore which treatment option is best for you and your case of bladder prolapse, please contact Ori Hampel, MD today at (713) 477-8600 for an appointment.